HIP HOP​​​​​​​



Saturday 30th August 2025


Mercury Baypark Arena, 81 Truman Lane, Mount Maunganui


$400.00 per school hip hop crew (NZ$)

Entries Open

Online registrations open on Friday March 14th 2025, at 9:00 AM

Entries Close

Online registrations close on Wednesday May 28th 2025, at 7:59 PM



  • Schools are required to pay the entry fee of $400.00 per school hip hop crew (NZ$).
  • Strictly non-refundable.
  • Payment MUST be made within seven days of receipt of invoice.
  • Invoices will be sent to the School Accounts Manager after the entry closing date, Wednesday 28th May 2025.

Entries Close

  • Wednesday, 28th May 2025 at 7:59 PM.
  • Entries to the 2025 Zespri AIMS Games must be submitted online through the online registration system. 
  • Registrations will only be accepted from the school's designated Zespri AIMS Games Coordinator.
  • Schools are allocated a unique Zespri AIMS Games registration log in code to complete their entries.

Competitor's Age

Competitors must be over 10 years of age and under 13 years of age, as at 31st December the year before the tournament year. Competitor’s birthdates will be required on school registration documentation. For the 2025 Zespri AIMS Games, the eligible birth years are 2012, 2013, and 2014.


  • Open division (minimum 6 / maximum 12 registered dancers).
  • Strictly one hip hop crew per school.
  • May be all female, all male or mixed gender.
  • May be a mixture of Year 7 and Year 8 students but must be from the same school.

Multiple Sporting Codes

  • Students may compete in more than one sporting code, provided they are in line with the permitted code crossovers. 

  • Timetable allowances will not be made for any competitors, and it is the sole responsibility of the school to check for programming conflicts. 


PLEASE NOTE: There will be a Preliminary and Finals round of competition. All competing teams will advance to finals.


Saturday 30th August

Registration (from 9:00 AM)

Saturday 30th AugustTechnical rehearsal (from 9:30 AM)
Saturday 30th AugustDoors open to the public for prelims (1:15 PM)
Saturday 30th AugustHip Hop prelims performance (1:30 PM)

Saturday 30th August

Doors open to the public for finals (5:15 PM)

Saturday 30th August

Hip Hop finals performance (6:00 PM)

Sunday 31st AugustOpening ceremony (Mercury Baypark Arena) 3:00 PM or 7:00 PM


The Zespri AIMS Games Hip Hop is a show not to be missed! Hip Hop tickets for spectators go on sale on Wednesday 23rd July.  A ticketing link will be posted on the Zespri AIMS Games website closer to the time.  Performers, team managers and choreographers do not require tickets.

Details for the prelims

  • Date: Saturday 30th August

  • Venue: Mercury Baypark Arena, 81 Truman Lane, Mount Maunganui

  • Public admission fee: Adult $10.00 and Child $5.00

Prelims event timetable

  • Registration from 9:00 AM
  • Technical rehearsal from 9:30 AM
  • Box Office open from 12:00 PM
  • Doors open to the public from 1:15 PM
  • Prelims Performance from 1:30 PM to 4:00 PM

Details for the finals

  • Date: Saturday 30th August
  • Venue: Mercury Baypark Arena, 81 Truman Lane, Mount Maunganui
  • Public admission fee: Adult $15.00 and Child $10.00

Finals event timetable

  • Box Office open from 4:30 PM
  • Doors open to the public from 5:15 PM
  • Finals Performance from 6:00 PM to 8:30 

Hip Hop requirements

  • Attire should be reflective of Funk and Hip Hop style. No revealing clothing to be worn.
  • Footwear must be clean. No bare feet.
  • The competition performance area will be 10 metres wide by 8 metres deep on a wooden stage floor (no gym mats).
  • Music must be between one minute thirty seconds and two minutes long (1:30 – 2:00). It can be either instrumental or have words.
  • Teams are required to supply their own music (No CDs will be accepted – only uploaded links to Dropbox). Music must be clearly labelled with school and performance group name.
  • Music must be suitable for general audience viewing and must not contain inappropriate or offensive language. Please consider the messaging and themes of the music used for age-appropriateness.


  • Choreography should reflect the authenticity of urban street dancing. You must show a minimum of three hip hop dance styles.
  • Dance styles can include but are not limited to Locking, Boogaloo, Popping, Breaking, Waacking, Punking, Vogue, House Dance, Party Dances, Hip Hop Dance, Choreography, Krump, Stepping.
  • In this section we will be taking into consideration the choreography and movements used for age-appropriateness. Over sexualisation of movements are not appropriate.

Technique / Skill / Execution:

  • Crews should attempt and successfully achieve complex choreography and demonstrate a variety of hip hop dance styles executed correctly showing an understanding of the foundations.

Musicality / Synchronisation / Timing:

  • Movements should be chosen to relate to the music.
  • Dancers should aim to stay in time with the music, moving to the beat and using identifiable phrases to construct the routine’s choreography.

Performance Intensity and Presentation:

  • Dancers should aim to perform the routine entirely without showing any tiredness or lack of energy.
  • Attitude and energy should reflect a street style.
  • Projection of the crew members should be consistently strong throughout the entire performance, with confidence measured by eye contact, body movement and facial expression.

Originality and Creativity:

  • Crews should aim to leave a lasting impression.
  • Choreography should include unique ways to get down onto and off the floor, transitions, music editing, clothing and the unique look that sets you apart from the other routines.
  • Be fresh with all aspects of your routine.
  • Urban Dance Youth Trust can network you with experienced choreographers to talk to or to assist with creating your performance piece.

A programme for the Hip Hop crews order will be emailed to all managers prior to the event.


For planning purposes all high-quality music for Hip Hop sets must be uploaded to the Dropbox File Request Folder


Hip Hop will have three experienced judges which will be chosen by the Code Coordinator.

Explanation for judging criteria

Choreography - 15% 

Choreography should be interesting, unique and one of a kind. Crews should use signature moves and combinations of moves that are yours alone. These marks basically are being given for WHAT you do. Remember to include lots of dancing! You should also be including an awareness of spacing: particularly in full use of the stage, with different and complex formations, interactive partner moves and patterns, and use of the different levels (floor, standing and air).

Technique / Skill / Execution - 20%

These marks are allocated for HOW you dance. Consideration is given to the number of crew members who attempt and successfully complete complex choreography and who demonstrate a variety of dance styles executed correctly showing an understanding of the foundations of hip hop.

Musicality/Synchronisation/Timing - 20%

Musicality is where the movements chosen relate to the music. The dancers are staying in time with the music, moving to the beat of the music, and using identifiable phrases to construct the routine’s choreography. The judges will be looking for the Crews who can dance in UNISON.

Performance Intensity & Presentation - 20%

Dancers should be able to perform the routine entirely without showing any tiredness or lack of energy. Attitude and energy should reflect a street style. Projection of the crew members should be consistently strong throughout the entire routine with an uninterrupted display of confidence measured by facial expression, eye contact and body movement. The crew members should perform with enthusiasm, passion and a natural ability to “sell it” on stage.

Originality & Creativity - 15%

These points are given for the lasting impression you leave. The points can come from original ways to go to the floor, getting up from the floor, transitions, music editing, clothing and the unique look and style that sets you apart from the other routines. Be special, different and fresh with all aspects of your routine.

Audience Impact - 10%

The judges will be listening to the reactions you evoke from audience members throughout your routine. A ‘home crowd’ advantage is different to evoking a reaction from the crowd – aim to include ‘crowd pleasing’ aspects through unique movement, theme or creativity.


Hip Hop presentations will be made at the conclusion of the finals. Medals will be awarded for 1st – 3rd place.