Maita ki rō Whare



Monday 1st to Friday 5th September 2025


Mercury Baypark Stadium, 81 Truman Lane, Mount Maunganui


$80.00 per player (NZ$)

Entries Open

Online registrations open on Friday March 14th 2025, at 9:00 AM

Entries Close

Online registrations close on Wednesday May 28th 2025, at 7:59 PM



  • Schools are required to pay the entry fee of $80.00 per player (NZ$).
  • Strictly non-refundable.
  • Payment MUST be made within seven days of receipt of invoice.
  • Invoices will be sent to the school accounts manager after the entry closing date, Wednesday 28th May 2025.

Entries Close

  • Wednesday, 28th May 2025 at 7:59 PM.
  • Entries to the 2025 Zespri AIMS Games must be submitted online through the online registration system. 
  • Registrations will only be accepted from the school's designated Zespri AIMS Games coordinator.
  • Schools are allocated a unique Zespri AIMS Games registration log in code to complete their entries.

Competitor's Age

Competitors must be over 10 years of age and under 13 years of age, as at 31st December the year before the tournament year. Competitor’s birthdates will be required on school registration documentation. For the 2025 Zespri AIMS Games, the eligible birth years are 2012, 2013, and 2014.


  • Indoor Bowls Singles (mixed gender)

  • Indoor Bowls Pairs (mixed gender)

  • Indoor Bowls Singles Athletes with Disabilities (mixed gender) 

  • If registration for an activity is oversubscribed, then the opportunity to participate will be at the discretion of the executive committee and no further correspondence will be entered into (if unsuccessful the registration fee will be refunded).

Multiple Sporting Codes

  • Students may compete in more than one sporting code, provided they are in line with the permitted code crossovers. 

  • Timetable allowances will not be made for any competitors, and it is the sole responsibility of the school to check for programming conflicts. 



Sunday 31st August

Opening ceremony - Mercury Baypark Arena (3:00 PM or 7:00 PM)

Monday 1st September

Managers meeting – Mercury Baypark Stadium (8:00 AM)

Monday 1st September

Singles competition (8:30 AM)

Tuesday 2nd September

Singles competition (8:30 AM)

Wednesday 3rd September

Singles competition (8:30 AM)

Wednesday 3rd September

Singles prizegiving

Thursday 4th September

Pairs competition (8:30 AM)

Friday 5th September

Pairs competition (8:30 AM)

Friday 5th SeptemberFinals prizegiving

Athletes with Disabilities

Zespri AIMS Games offers a separate Athletes with Disabilities division/s in Indoor Bowls.

Whilst there is no qualifying or eligibility criteria, the athlete’s disability must disadvantage them to participate or compete against their non-disabled peers in the open event.  It will be the responsibility of the school to ensure that athletes with disabilities have suitable caregiver support.

If you have a student/s with disabilities interested in competing in the 2025 Zespri AIMS Games, we encourage you to contact us.  Our team will work with your school to answer any questions and ensure that your student’s needs are factored into the wider planning of the event.


  1. The tournament will run under New Zealand Indoor Bowls Rules (a few exceptions apply).
  2. All equipment will be provided.
  3. The tournament organisers reserve the right to shorten games in order to ensure an outcome by the end of play each day.
  4. Once the draw has been set players may be replaced at the organiser’s discretion.
  5. Players arriving late for matches will be disqualified at the organiser’s discretion.

Draw for the first round

The draw will be posted on the Zespri AIMS Games website and app on Thursday 21st August, and will also be available at the Managers Meeting on the Monday morning.

Singles Competition

Competition will consist of qualifying rounds, followed by post-section for those players with three or more game wins. A singles game shall be contested by two players opposed to each other. Four bowls shall be bowled by each player.

  • Two sets of five ends starting on the bell.
  • If the result is one set each, there will be a one end Tie Breaker set. If the end is killed, it may not be replayed.
  • In post-section, the Tie Breaker set will be five ends for the quarter finals, semi-finals and final. If the last end in the Tie Breaker is killed, it may be replayed.

Pairs Competition

Competition will consist of qualifying rounds, followed by post-section for those teams with three or more game wins. A pairs game shall be contested by four players, two in each team, a lead and a skip. Each player shall bowl three bowls.

  • Pairs must come from the same school.
  • Pairs names need to be entered onto the online registration system.
  • Two sets of four ends starting on the bell.
  • If the result is one set each, there will be a one end Tie Breaker set. If the end is killed it may not be replayed. 
  • In post-section, the Tie Breaker set will be four ends for the quarterfinals, semi-finals and final. If the last end in the Tie Breaker is killed, it may be replayed.

School team event

The best four combined results in the singles and in the pairs will determine the team placing for your school. When team points are tied it is based on the school that has the highest placing(s).


  1. One adult must accompany each team.
  2. Supervisors and players need to provide their own lunches/drinks.
  3. Only non-marking shoes are to be worn on the mats.
  4. A tournament committee will be in place to administer and facilitate the running of this tournament.
  5. Umpires will be provided by the Tauranga Indoor Bowls Association.

Medal PresentATION

Singles and pairs place getters will be presented with their medals at the Indoor Bowls venue at the conclusion of each competition.