


Monday 1st to Thursday 4th September 2025


Mount Maunganui Squash Club, Blake Park, Mount Maunganui


$80.00 per player (NZ$)

Entries Open

Online registrations open on Friday March 14th 2025, at 9:00 AM

Entries Close

Online registrations close on Wednesday May 28th 2025, at 7:59 PM


Email: info@nzaimsgames.co.nz

A tournament committee will be in place to administer and facilitate the running of this tournament.



  • Schools are required to pay the entry fee of $80.00 per player (NZ$).
  • Strictly non-refundable.
  • Payment MUST be made within seven days of receipt of invoice.
  • Invoices will be sent to the school accounts manager after the entry closing date, Wednesday 28th May 2025.

Entries Close

  • Wednesday, 28th May 2025 at 7:59 PM.
  • Entries to the 2025 Zespri AIMS Games must be submitted online through the online registration system. 
  • Registrations will only be accepted from the school's designated Zespri AIMS Games Coordinator.
  • Schools are allocated a unique Zespri AIMS Games registration log in code to complete their entries.

Competitor's Age

Competitors must be over 10 years of age and under 13 years of age, as at 31st December the year before the tournament year. Competitor’s birthdates will be required on school registration documentation. For the 2025 Zespri AIMS Games, the eligible birth years are 2012, 2013, and 2014.


  • Girls Division Swiss Draw
  • Boys Division Swiss Draw
  • The 64 highest graded boys and the 32 highest graded girls will be accepted into the final draw. Anyone who enters and is balloted out due to their grading, will have their entry fee refunded in full.

Multiple Sporting Codes

  • Students may compete in more than one sporting code, provided they are in line with the permitted code crossovers. 

  • Timetable allowances will not be made for any competitors, and it is the sole responsibility of the school to check for programming conflicts. 



Sunday 31st August

Opening ceremony – Mercury Baypark Arena (3:00 PM or 7:00 PM)

Monday 1st September

Managers meeting - Mount Maunganui Squash Club 8:30 AM

Monday 1st September

Boys and girls singles competition - Mount Maunganui Squash Club

Tuesday 2nd September

Boys and girls singles competition - Mount Maunganui Squash Club

Wednesday 3rd SeptemberBoys and girls singles competition - Mount Maunganui Squash Club
Thursday 4th SeptemberFinals - Mount Maunganui Squash Club
Thursday 4th September

Prize giving - Mount Maunganui Squash Club


  1. The tournament will run under New Zealand Squash Rules.
  2. All NZ players must have a NZ squash code given to them by the squash club they are affiliated to.
  3. The standard tournament ball will be a single yellow dot ball.
  4. Protective eyewear to be worn at all times on the courts by all players.
  5. Shoe soles to be made of non-marking material.
  6. Court attire standards Squash NZ Clothing Policy (pdf).

Teams event

The top school will be determined by the lowest two combined results from a minimum of two students representing their school.  These results will be assessed across both genders – i.e., can consist of the results from two boys, two girls or one girl and one boy.  Gold medals will be awarded to these two students only. 


All players must referee or mark the game immediately after theirs. Additionally, players may be asked to mark or referee daily first rounds.


Each school must have one adult in charge of students. Team managers will be required to supervise their team at all times.

Individual event

Under 13 years boys individual. Under 13 years girls individual.

Match procedures

A match will be the best of five games. Teams must report to the venue controller 20 minutes prior to the start of each round. All games will be played according to the www.squashnz.co.nz/play-squash/how-to-play/rules-of-squash.cfm. The playing order and refereeing order is to be strictly adhered to.


The draw will be available on the Zespri AIMS Games website and app on Thursday 21st August.

Swiss draw​​​​​​​

Players are seeded from top to bottom (according to their official Squash NZ / country of origin grading). Players are listed against one another. Whoever wins the match moves to the lower number of the two numbers and takes the lower number to the next round. Whoever loses the match takes the higher number to the next round. The tournament organiser reserves the right to include an additional draw should entry numbers exceed the Swiss draw allocation.


Individual place getters and the teams event place getters will be presented with their medals immediately following the finals.